
Maile baby cardigan

My mind is flooded lately with ideas. Crafty ideas that involve knits, sewing, all kinds of projects. Oh the things I could accomplish if only I could get enough sleep! Granted, the reason I do not sleep much is cute, but I feel I have to mobilize. I will continue making plans and lists, and try and accomplish what is on them. Wish me luck, as this would mean that I can actually come back here more often and  talk about them!

I only have a few minutes, but today it is time to talk knits again! I realized recently that I never finished introducing my baby knits! I wrote about the Puerperium, and baby S. has been wearing it  quite a bit, so it's time to take a look at Maile. I had some leftover yarn from this project, that I thought would be perfect for a a baby cardigan. 

Maile is a cute little girly pattern, just up my alley with clean lines and a little embellishment. Overall the pattern is good, but I had an extremely hard time with the joining of the sleeves. If you are emotionally prepared for it, or find a simpler way to do it, you will enjoy this pattern.


Finningan's Market- Love where you live

In catching up with my blog reading recently, I was thrilled to see that Gabrielle, also known as Design Mom, is bringing back one of my favourite "columns", called "Love where you live". (Hop over for lots of fun blog posts!)

When I first read about this series of posts, I was really inspired to make an effort to explore fun and beautiful places close to home. We will be spending this summer in Montreal, so I am certainly determined to "love where I live" even more.

For a while now I have wanted to check out Finnegan's market. It is an outdoor antique market that takes place every Saturday in the summer. We thought it would be a fun outing with the kids, that we could finish off with a picnic. 

It seems that I completely forgot how chaotic it is to travel with babies in tow. Our day was not off to a great start. It took forever to get out of the house as it was impossible to get organized. In the end, my son left wearing the T-shirt he had slept in, and I had no time to make anything for our picnic. ( A big thanks to my sister here who rescued our lunch and made sandwiches for everyone! AND remembered to bring my dad!!!) But, we made it out of the house and believe me, that is something to be proud of these days! The 30 minute drive served to cool everyone's tempers, and by the time we got there we were all smiles and ready to explore.

The weather was perfect for a stroll through the stalls, for admiring, chatting and enjoying. I saw so many knick-knacks that I would have loved to bring home with me, here are a few glimpses.

Lovely garden accessories

                                                 Happiness in a popsicle

                                                      Endless treasures to discover

                                             And of course something knitting related


And last but not least, the reason I am not getting any sleep these days

Here, herehere  and here are my other "Love where you live posts".