

I recently realized that I have been blogging for over 4 years! Already! Four years of coming here and sharing bits and parts of me, and it feels like so much has happened.

To be honest, I have been feeling the need for a new look. I will always have a soft spot my for original concept, for the original name, but I’ve felt that I’ve outgrown it.

The search for a new name has not been easy. Trying to find something that accurately expresses what this space is all about, has been confusing. It forced me to really wonder, what do I want to talk about and share with my readers? Knitting of course, but ultimately more than that. I have shared a lot more than just knitting projects here, I’ve talked about other interests, worries, longings, plans, my kids, family, our travels. And it will continue along the same lines. So what name would capture all of this? 

What name could capture my love of knitting and wool, and my wandering thoughts, wondering about life, experiences, lessons. And then it hit me, it’s actually quite simple. 

My blog is about “Wool & Wonder”

It has a nice ring to it does it not?

I wanted this new name to also reflect a new aesthetic. I find that in the last years my tastes have really matured. Does that  mean that I am finally maturing? Hm.... possibly, but the bottom line is that I am more confident when it comes to my taste. And I had a very clear idea of what I wanted the new look to be. Clean, bright, modern with a touch of whimsy.

My friend Tara, who is an extremely talented gal, offered to design my new logo. I have to say, it was a great experience, I had a lot of fun working on a concept with her and it was really exciting seeing it all come together. I am extremely pleased with the end result. It feels very…me.

From now on you will find me at 

Wool & Wonder

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