
Carefree cowl knit along

I was really excited when I heard that Shannon of luvinthemommyhood had decided to start off another KAL. This time, in keeping with the season, we are knitting a cowl.
I have to say that I did not have a hard time making a choice. One of the patterns I've always admired is the Herringbone cowl. The look is the perfect blend of classic and modern style. As for yarn, I thought that luxurious was the way to go, warm and super-soft, so I invested in 2 skeins of Malabrigo worsted. The color is called "Polar Morn", though I think that something like Storm Clouds is more accurate. It is soooo soft. It'll feel great wrapped around my neck. I've made pretty decent progress, and am sure it'll be ready for when the cold weather hits. And sadly, that's right around the corner.


  1. what a beautiful cowl! looks sooo squishy. and i do love malabrigo! so glad you're joining in on this KAL!xo

  2. To say I love this cowl is an understatement. It's going to look gorgeous on you and that grey......I need some! Gorgeous!
