
Advent Calendar

There is something magical about the time before Christmas. In my family the season was always kicked off by December first, the advent time, the count-down to Christmas morning.

I've been working hard at starting my own family traditions, and it is a continually evolving list, but so far we have hot chocolate to welcome the first snowfall, a visit to the Christmas market, weekly cookie baking and this year, I am adding crafting to the list.

It's so easy to feel inspired by the multitude of ideas out there, and I am always amazed at the talent and incredible ideas my fellow crafters display. Last year, I made A. an advent calendar (see details here), and he really liked it, so of course I had to make one for this year. He's a big Lego and Playmobil fan, and they have great ready made Advent calendars.

That was my starting point, but the presentation I wanted to personalize. So, using this tutorial I made 24 boxes (took forever),wrapped them, made tags, and finished at 11:30 on the 30th November.I can't begin to describe how his face lit up in the morning at the sight of it. It made the papercuts all worth it. Next, we're making our own snow-globes, and on the weekend we're checking out this Christmas market. And soon I'll be updating you on my Christmas knitting as well.

Happy Advent everyone!


  1. This is an AMAZING advent calender. It's über-cute.

  2. Thank you Siga, glad to hear it!

  3. I absolutely love your advent calender. And this christmas corner with the green and the wood and the baby blue - so perfect!

  4. They turned out so pretty! What a great idea hun :) I'm dying to see those snow globes.

  5. Liebe Monica,
    der Adventskalender sieht klasse aus!
    Ganz viele liebe Grüße
