
More of the same please

You may have noticed that I decided to skip the customary retrospective this year. 


Because 2012 was in all honesty a great year, and I want 2013 to be more of the same. A lot of things have fallen into place and I do not want this phase to be over. There was a rather lengthy period of, well, let's say trials, and 2012 finally brought an end to all that, so of course it is hard to let go. Sometimes, new beginnings are not what one wishes for, but just simply more of the same. Do you ever feel like that? That you have finally arrived at a place where things are good, plans have worked out and looking into the future fills you with hope and positivity? I don't want to let that go, that is perfectly understandable, no?

One thing I do wish for, is that I have a bit more time for my blogging and crafty side. I was not able to update the blog as regularly, but I am certainly hoping to get back into my old rhythm of posting at least once a week. I am also hoping to be able to explore new aspects of my creativity.

What about resolutions? None of those for me thank you. I will stick with goals. I want to perfect my sewing, learn how to do something new (I am dying to dye my own yarn), and improve my photography skills. Of course the list is endless, but I will start with these.
I am finally getting around to posting pictures of a couple of the Christmas gifts I knitted.  I had promised my mother-in-law a hat for a long time now, and I decided on the QL Slouch, which I knitted in some leftover Classic Elite yarn from my Effortless. I am really pleased with how it turned out, and she was really happy to see it. It suits her really well, and it was a surprise which makes it an even better gift!

My sister has been admiring my Herringbone Cowl for a year now, so I managed to whip up another one using Bulky Valley Yarns. It's one of my favorite colors, and it looks great on her. 

I love warm, cozy winter knits!

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