
A Sunday afternoon "stroll" and the Driftwood Tee

So....I had to turn on the heat this weekend. Yes.... really, a pretty scary thing right? Is it me, or is fall coming earlier every year? 

As depressing as I find this, my knit obsession is in full swing now. So many new patterns to discover, so many new collections to browse (has anyone else seen the new BT Fall 14 collection, or Wool Book 5 to just name a few).

But first, let me brag about my finally blocked Driftwod Tee. It was a project I knitted as part of Shannon's TTTKAL, did not finish on time, but continued working on and managed to even wear a few times this summer.

Now let me tell you about going out to photograph Driftwood. 

Last weekend the weather was really nice, and my husband and I decided to take advantage and go enjoy a coffee on a terrace, with the kids.....after all, how bad could it be? 

HA! Famously last spoken words!

Let me paint a picture for you. The baby did not nap, my son complained about having to walk, and every terrace on  the street was already closed. Still, we refused to give up, got in the car, and drove to another neighbourhood. At first, things looked promising, but then all the outside seats ended up being taken, the baby was still not sleeping and the wifi connection was wonky, so my son's video wasn't playing. Still, we persisted, and ordered coffees, determined to enjoy at least a few sips. We really only got a few moments of peace! Before heading back to the car, completely exasperated, I had my husband snap a few shots of my Driftwood and I.

Considering....not too shabby, right?

I am sure that all knitters would agree that having someone admire a handmade garment is extremely satisfying. Everyone is always shocked to see that my wardrobe contains as many hand-knitted items as it does. To do them justice I have stared building outfits around my various knits, so prepare for some wardrobe pics!


  1. I love that top - it looks amazing on you!

    1. Thank you Nat, I do get a lot of compliments on it!

  2. Great outfit. They all go very well together. Cute shoes & jacket too! Which neighborhood did you end up in?

  3. Beautifulll.....you should be modelling that gorgeous top and accesories in a magazine!

  4. Yes to hand knits.....they're unique. No one else owns it, but you.
