
TTTKAL 2015, a project accomplished

You are going to get a kick out of this one. As I mentioned previously, I decided sort of last minute to join into Shannon's TTTKAL 2015. I have a ridiculously busy schedule these days, so I only committed to a little top for my daughter. Surely I thought, I could do this!

And I am proud to say that I did. Finish in time, blocked and ends woven in. I managed to snap a few shots while my little one was napping, and I made the deadline! Ok, the extended one, but a deadline nevertheless.

I have to say that I am proud of the ever-growing collection of handknits she has. (And at the same time I feel terrible that I have not knit anything for my son in....a while.)

The discussion on the thread today turned to heirlooms, and loving grandmothers knitting and sewing away. It seems most of us have fond memories of just that. I wish I had a photo of my grandmother knitting, but alas there are none. Still, knitting will forever be linked with her, and that is so immensely special to me.

But I digress. Back to my Ruffaluffagus. Once the photos were snapped, I was ready to have her wear it for Father's day this weekend. I thought I'd just try it on, to make sure it was perfect. I had measured after all, but it's always good to double-check. I have had my experiences with measuring

You may have guessed it by now....it does not fit! It seems that once I added the collar everything tightened. I can fix it of course, and I will, but it's one of those moments when you let out a well-deserved swear-word.


  1. Is it too tight around the neck? Is it just the neck that doesn't fit? Was it picked up stitches and knit? Can you pull back just the neck and do a crochet edging instead? Or is it the whole dress that doesn't fit? Let me know - maybe we can make it work...?

    1. I ended up crocheting the edging like you suggested, and it fits now....good call Robyn!

  2. It is SO pretty! necklines for little kids is a real tricky spot, I find that I'm always really paranoid about them- their little heads are often a lot bigger than we think they are going to be! The top is lovely, once you get the neck sorted, I bet it will look great on her!

    1. I am really glad I managed to fix it (I did a crochet edge), but yes, that always seems to be a tricky one...

  3. oh, no I hope you can fix it! This is such a cute little dress!
