
Design Mom Feature

Do you have go-to blogs? Blogs you always refer to when you have a question, blogs that you check in on daily?

I have a few, one of my favorites being “Design Mom”. Gabrielle manages to cover so many topics I am interested in, like parenting, decorating and travel.  Her stories of living in France were amazing.  She also has these fantastic columns about “Living with kids” and “Birth Stories”, stories that you can get lost in, and almost always relate to.

I only quickly mentioned it on the blog, but my daughter was a preemie. She was born 12 weeks early, and spent 2 months in the NICU. It was a very difficult time for us. Not something that I openly shared or felt able to discuss at the time. But a year and a half later, after reading one of the birth stories shared by another reader on the Design Mom blog, I felt ready to write about it. So I started writing, and it felt good, cathartic to write it all out. At first, I simply wrote it all out because I thought it would help me heal from this trauma, because that is what this experience was, but once I finished, I thought that by sharing it, my story may help someone else going through something similar, give them hope, or maybe even help them heal. So I sent it to Gabrielle, and  to my surprise, she found it interesting enough to publish on her blog.

I am of course honoured, and thrilled, and a little terrified…..

If you guys are curious, hop on over to her blog to read about Sienna’s story.


  1. Hugs to you, Monica! I have a friend whose both boys were premature. One came at 26 weeks. I know each story is unique, but maybe it helps you to know that he's a healthy 7-year-old now.
    Enjoy your little ones. Thinking of you, Siga

    1. Siga, thank you for your kind words, it is always reassuring to hear how many preemies turn out to be perfectly healthy kids.

  2. It is a very touching story. You and your husband have been very strong. Even when you have a healthy child, becoming a parent is very challenging. I can't imagine how difficult those moments must have been...

    1. Hi Maryse, we are glad to be on the other side of that story, to be able to enjoy her now and watch her be perfectly normal.

  3. Congratulations on being published - and you're totally right that your story will help others, either to feel stronger in their own situation or to support friends or family who are going through something similar. And it makes sense to share it now when you can look at your strong, strong-willed girl and know that you've come through it. Well done Mom :)

  4. Congrats again on being published! That's awesome!
